In Japan, married couples must have the same last name. While the couple does have the option to choose the women’s last name, due to social expectations and tradition the husband’s is chosen 96% of the time
Many hikers across Japan strive to climb all 100, but it is no easy feat. How was the list created and what are the mountains like?
A look at how Japan’s zoning laws and geography have contributed to what Japan’s urban landscape is today
In Japan, taking out the trash is a little… more of a “chore” if you will. You don’t simply have trash and recyclables. Nor is there simply “trash day”. It’s more like…well let me show you...
Chikan or molesting is still a prevalent problem in Japan. Statistics on what Chikan is looks like today and a personal story
Japan is stuck in the 1990's. Here's why Also, escaping to Tokyo's Todoroki Ravine Park.
One thing I enjoy about living in Japan is... the English. For those who are not aware, the English level of Japanese people is horrendous (in a funny way.)